Bildung in Zeiten von Corona – Teil 5

Reise zum Inneren des REFAK Blogs „Den Beitrag lese ich, wenn ich mal mehr Zeit habe.“ Oder: „Das probiere ich sicher aus, aber im Moment hänge ich woanders drin!“ Es bleibt ganz oft beim Vorsatz, denn dann kommt schon der nächste Beitrag. Vermutlich geht es vielen von euch auch so. Jetzt ist Gelegenheit, das zu […]

#mm: „Annoying Methods“ – The chair circle

The chair circle is actually quite practical because it facilitates direct communication between all those involved in a seminar – everyone can look directly at everyone at any time. Nevertheless, it has become one of the things that increasingly annoy seminar participants. 

#mm: “Annoying Methods” – our new series!

A guide to unhappiness for trainers  Participants in training courses, seminars and particularly longer courses complain about annoying methods. However, those who are annoyed and allergic to certain methods learn poorly or, in the worst case, not at all! With our small series on the subject of „Annoying methods“ we would like to support trainers in avoiding […]

Breaks online

Online is different. Also in terms of breaks. Drinking a coffee together, eating together, chatting, going for a spin in pairs or threes – none of that is possible online. Everyone sits alone in front of their computers and remains alone during breaks. That’s reason enough to pay special attention to breaks in online classes. […]

#mm: Thinking beyond storytelling …

Storytelling works! No surprise, didn’t we go to sleep as children only after hearing a story? Today, if we remember experiences from the past, we automatically fabricate our own stories. Storytelling moves not only the head, it also moves the heart, our emotions. Thus, can storytelling be a method for critical education? We suggest: Just […]

#mm: „Annoying Methods“ – Constellations

“Get up from your chair and stand next to the subject that applies best to you!”  For years, methods from the family of constellations have been THE hits in adult education. In the meantime, participants sometimes roll their eyes full in an annoyed manner when they are announced. .

#mm: „Nervige Methoden“ – Aufstellungen

„Steht auf und stellt euch zu dem Thema, das für euch passt!“ Jahrelang waren Methoden aus der Familie der Aufstellungen DIE Renner in der Erwachsenenbildung. Inzwischen verdrehen Teilnehmer*innen bei der Ankündigung bisweilen genervt die Augen.