In English…

About the REFAK

The REFAK (ReferentInnen Akademie) is the Train the Trainers program in Austrian Trade Union Education. It is a cooperation project between the Chamber of Labour (AK) and Association of Austrian Trade Union Education (VÖGB) . It is managed by a cooperative pedagogical management team of the AK and the VÖGB. REFAK is aimed at all people who are or will be active in trade union adult education as trainers, speakers or lecturers. The selection of the participants is carried out in close cooperation with the responsible educational authorities. READ MORE

Toolbox Gender-sensitive Education

Equality is something that is still contested and is far from being achieved. Predominantly women and persons that do not classify themselves as either male or female are being discriminated against or ignored because of their gender. This manifests itself in structures, as well as in day-to-day dealings between individuals. Management boards are still male-dominated and, on average, women are still being paid significantly less than men.

For Unions, the target must be to improve work and life situations, especially for women. First of all, this requires awareness of existing conditions, everyday life experiences of men and women, and awareness about sexism and discrimination. The following materials and exercises should help introduce the topic, in order to initiate discussions and offer some background information.

Important Note

The following materials and exercises should not be used without prior educational and pedagogical knowledge. In-depth knowledge in the area of gender and experience when dealing with groups, especially regarding the possible pitfalls and dynamics when dealing with stereotypes and sexist discrimination, is also necessary. The Programm der ReferentInnen Akademie / Speakers Academy program also offers corresponding seminars!


Toolbox Anti-Racist Education

Racism is a part of society and is more than just the mere aggression aimed at people with a different skin colour. Religious affiliations or supposedly different cultures are often targets of attributions, prejudices or attacks. People are discriminated against and have a disadvantage in both professional and private lives on the basis of their appearance or their name.

In the Trade Union Education, the trainers and speakers sometimes experience that racist statements made and the emotionality of the discussion makes it difficult and occasionally even impossible to continue to work constructively. The exercises and materials collected and presented below should help to address and raise awareness of racism and its diverse forms. This should also convey why a clear anti-racist attitude is necessary.

The contributions should give you ideas and impulses for seminar designs. They must only be used with previous experience and self-awareness of racism. Competence when dealing with conflict situations in groups is absolutely necessary! Attendance of additional training sessions with professionals, who are able to pass on content and Know-How, are also recommended. 


Toolbox Methods

Under the #mm catchphrase (Methodenmittwoch / methods-wednesday ) we have built a collection of methods over the years.


Various Articles in English

HERE you can find all english language blog posts.

Translation: Astrid Donaubauer, Fred Taucher

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