Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein

#grumo_10: Teambuilding with distance

With the start of the autumn season, our five experts for working with and in groups have gained further experience of what it means to work with groups under the special conditions that currently shape our everyday lives. The current #grumo contribution is about dealing with distance rules and different needs and roles.


#mm: Storytelling weiter gedacht…

CC: Philip Taucher

Storytelling wirkt! Kein Wunder, sind wir doch schon als Kinder mit Geschichten beruhigt eingeschlafen. Wenn wir uns heute an früher Erlebtes erinnern, spinnen wir automatisch unsere eigenen Geschichten. Storytelling bewegt nicht nur den Kopf, sondern auch das Herz, die Emotionen. Doch taugt Storytelling als Bildungsmethode mit kritischem Anspruch? Unsere These: Botschaften in spannende und mitreißende Geschichten zu verpacken, macht noch keine Bildungsmethode, die Kritikfähigkeit unterstützt. Geschichten bieten aber Ansatzpunkte für kritische Lernprozesse.


#grumo_09: Group dynamics, democracy, sociocracy

… a little insight

After a few weeks of summer break, we – Irene Zavarsky and Gerda Kolb – are happy to once again provide you with bi-weekly contributions on the topic of groups and group dynamics. Of course, the five experts Beate, Paul, Yasemine, Maria and Rudi will be with us again to share their experiences and expertise.


Certificate course for trainers and lecturers

Getting the certificate

Step 1: Seminars

The certificate course has a modular structure, so participants can complete the seminars in any order. It is recommended to attend the compulsory seminar from the module „Fundamentals of Adult Trade Union Education“ at the beginning of the course if possible. In addition, various numbers of seminars from the four modules should be attended:


Certificate course for program coaches

The way to the certificate

Step 1: Seminars

The certificate course in course guidance is structured in modules, so the seminars can be completed in any order. It is recommended to attend the two obligatory basic seminars „Trade Union Education – What’s that?“ and „Basics Course Support“ at the beginning of the course if possible. Building on this, one seminar from each content module must be completed:


#grumo_08: Diversity in the group

Sometimes it’s not easy to harmonise different things.

Maria is still drawing on her paper when the others arrive. This time they meet in a garden in the city. Beate looks curiously over Maria’s shoulder „What are you doing?“ she wants to know. Maria sighs and explains that she is trying to form small groups for a course, but is getting nowhere. She would like as many diversity categories as possible to be taken into account and the small groups to be as heterogeneous as possible.


#grumo_07: When interests collide

This time we’re going to let it rip! That’s right, it’s about conflicts in the group. What do I do when everyone is arguing? What is a conflict and how do I deal with it as a group leader or facilitator? Is a conflict always loud? And what do I do when there is no solution?
