Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein

#mm: Biography work – 5 Exercises on Gender

Biography work: deep analysis,
own experience, socialisation,
questioning stereotypes

Biography work is ideal for an in-depth analysis of the theme of gender. Make sure that the participants engage with the topic from their own experience.  

The following five exercises should support participants when dealing with their own biography and help them to critically reflect on gender roles, socialisation and language.  


Auch Radiohören ist Bildung

22. Radiopreise der Erwachsenenbildung überreicht

Foto: Michaela Obermair

Aus 142 eingereichten Radiosendungen haben Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Konferenz der Erwachsenenbildung Österreichs (KEBÖ) 18 Beiträge für die Preisvergabe nominiert. Für den VÖGB war Pia Lichtblau in der Jury vertreten.

Ausgezeichnet werden jedes Jahr Beiträge in den Kategorien Kultur, Information, Bildung/Wissenschaft, Interaktive und experimentelle Produktionen sowie Sendereihen.


#mm: „Annoying Methods“ – The chair circle

The chair circle is actually quite practical because it facilitates direct communication between all those involved in a seminar – everyone can look directly at everyone at any time. Nevertheless, it has become one of the things that increasingly annoy seminar participants. 


Debunk the far right

Union Strategies against Right-Wing Extremism 

Non à l'extrem droite

In light of the upcoming EU elections, the question that is more pressing than ever is the extent to which right-wing extremists and far-right parties are burdening the political climate in Europe and, above all, how the trade union movement is confronting the phenomenon.   Beginning with an initiative from the ETUI (European Trade Union Institute) a group of trade unionists from Belgium, France, Austria and Sweden are offering an overview of existing and planned trade union initiatives against right-wing extremism in Europe. This will offer opportunities in learning new methods, as well as exchanging experiences with others.  

As part of the Anti-Racism Toolbox, we would like to present individual methods and initiatives. Taking the European idea into account, it is possible that a number of languages may appear on the page :-). 


#mm: “Annoying Methods” – our new series!

A guide to unhappiness for trainers 

Participants in training courses, seminars and particularly longer courses complain about annoying methods. However, those who are annoyed and allergic to certain methods learn poorly or, in the worst case, not at all! With our small series on the subject of „Annoying methods“ we would like to support trainers in avoiding allergic reactions and point out possible alternatives! 


#mm: Like in Real Life

Raising Awareness of everyday Discrimination


Goal ** Increase the visibility of everyday discrimination ** Experience these situations for another person’s perspective                       ** Encourage sensitisation and self reflection  


#dido_36: Bad News are Good News?

Making Fake News and Co. a playful experience 

Slip into the role of the bad guy and manipulate, rush, exaggerate, provoke… With „Bad News“ we become real false reporters and this with a good intention. Because the free online role play helps to understand and classify the mechanisms behind targeted disinformation on the Internet. 

In this way, we gain insight into the methods and tactics used by false reporters to spread and polemicise their content and to play with people’s fears.


#dido_37: Mini video campaigns in cinema trailer form

Shaking up, informing, stimulating discourse – campaigns serve as a mouthpiece where people have something to say! Especially videos are an expressive possibility. But if you can’t make big media productions, you can use an app. With iMovie you can quickly create appealing videos that look like a Hollywood-style movie trailer. 


#mm: „Annoying Methods“ – Constellations

“Get up from your chair and stand next to the subject that applies best to you!” 

Illustration: Nicola Sekler

For years, methods from the family of constellations have been THE hits in adult education. In the meantime, participants sometimes roll their eyes full in an annoyed manner when they are announced. .
