Archiv der Kategorie: english

#grumo_18: What to do when the group bugs me?

In #grumo_07 (When interests conflict), #grumo_06 (What if I’m afraid of the group?) and #grumo_05 (Storming to good performance), our experts have already dealt with conflicts in the group and also with the necessary, albeit sometimes stormy, formation of opinions. Today they talk about what trainers can do when they simply don’t like the group or individuals in it – and that can actually happen.


REFAK Blog… now in English as well!

REFAK Blog in English

During the last years the authors of the REFAK blog have produced a rich collection of articles, educational ressources, method descriptions, didactical & theoretical contributions and seminar documentations. Particularily for the last months the number of readers has exploded.

Now we want to make the ressources of the REFAK blog accessible for an even bigger international audience. As we are in constant exchange with international partners in trade union education, translating our educational ressources is a prerequisite for a fruitful exchange of ideas, experiences and practices. Therefore our English speaking experts Astrid Donaubauer and Fred Taucher have translated a representative selection of articles from the REFAK blog into English. To be continued…

Find here information on the REFAK and its training courses

HERE you find all English language blog articles.

#dido_38: A picture yells louder than a thousand words

Raising your voice and shouting out what concerns you. That’s what some people want to do when it comes to issues such as equality, diversity or solidarity. What can be heard only as a brief shout and then perhaps fades away, can be captured with a low-threshold photo activity à la loudhailer and captured for a longer time. Because pictures can be a mouthpiece for what people have to say, can shake things up and stimulate discourse.


#thedi: „Building“ counter power – Part 3

Amartya Sen, cc: Philip Taucher

„It is not the realisation that justice in the world is imperfect – perfect justice is something few of us expect – that drives us to action, but the fact that there are injustices in our environment that can be addressed and that we want to end.“

(Amartya Sen, The Idea of Justice)


#grumo_13: Visualisations that support the process

Today our five experts meet at Rudi’s practice. The rapid changes and partial lack of clarity about what is allowed where and how have made Maria, Yasemine, Rudi, Paul and Beate a little uncertain. That’s why everyone was happy when Rudi suggested meeting at his place. Sitting in a circle of chairs and provided with drinks and nibbles, they start talking.


#grumo_14: Activity-based work

Different spaces, different settings

Climbing, hiking, pottery, cooking, archery… different settings bring different experiences to light. In the right context, they can provide a good basis for reflection. Today our five experts talk about their experiences with activity-based work.


#mm: Activation islands for face-to-face and online trainings

From passive listening to active participation

For the third time, the seminar The „Dream Team“ of frontal lecture and activation islands took place as part of the Trilogy 2020 on 13 October 2020. This time, due to Corona, not at the BIZ in Vienna, but online at BigBlueButton. Therefore, there was an additional seminar objective: activation opportunities that also work online. Michael Ziereis and Ulli Lipp were in charge at their screens.


#grumo_12: How to make tired groups lively again?

Who hasn’t experienced this? The end of a long seminar day, the time right after the lunch break, or even an evening session and suddenly everything is terribly heavy: like wading through water or talking through candyfloss. Today, our five experts Yasemine, Paul, Beate, Rudi and Maria talk about their experiences with activation measures to make tired groups perk up again.
