Archiv der Kategorie: english

#dimi_18: Collaboration as a learning principle

Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

As a trainer, how can I create a safe framework for collaborative learning?

Haven’t we done that already? Why another #dimi on this topic? The answer is that creating a collaborative learning environment is one of the most central questions in the design of learning processes and therefore deserves a lot of attention.

This blog post addresses the question of what makes a group work well and what it takes for me as a trainer to make this happen.

Using the SCARF model, I will explain why group work and other forms of collaborative learning can unconsciously generate a lot of stress and what we as trainers can do to turn stress into a positive learning zone.

In order to follow well on from the #dimi_17, I will summarise the most important statements once again:


#dimi_17: Collaboration as a learning

Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

Why cooperation is sometimes so difficult and yet can increase learning success

Have you also experienced that learning in a group is sometimes easy and fun and sometimes feels like an uphill struggle with no satisfying outcome?

This blog post explores the conditions that make collaborative learning work well at times and create frustration at others. Where is the turning point when learners are motivated to participate despite initial resistance because they realise that they can take away more from this kind of learning than from a full-frontal lecture?

The current #dimi is about what collaborative learning is and how it can contribute to the development of competences. The next #dimi will then take a closer look at the conditions that make collaborative learning difficult or easier.


#mm: Storytelling online

Stories and examples for lecture, training and seminar

On 14 October 2020, the seminar „Storytelling in trade union education work“ took place for the second time. This time online and therefore also shortened in time. The big question for the trainers Michael Ziereis and Ulli Lipp: Storytelling, is it also possible online? How much is lost when we hear the narrators through the speaker and see them as a section of a picture?


#mm: Methods with distance – Part 2

Lineups with avatars

Constellations are an extremely popular method that many trainers like to use often – so often that they even made it into our series „Annoying Methods“.
In Corona times, however, constellations cannot be done anyway – unless perhaps the whole group goes outside and everyone takes their baby elephants with them. So what to do?


#mm: Methods with distance – Part 1

Classroom training is starting up again. Now, methods are needed in which we don’t get too close to each other and in which the risk of infection is also minimized in other ways. There is much more to it than just a frontal lecture. Diversity of methods and especially the activation of the participants are also important in times of a pandemic! Here are our experiences after practical tests.


#mm: Tips for closing

Designing the end of trainings, courses and seminars

Conclusions of seminars & co. are a key point in the learning process. They also determine whether participants leave the seminar room full of energy and encouragement or get up from their computers after a webinar. We have compiled tips and suggestions: How do I close the bag?


#dimi_06: Learning targets

Why learning goals create orientation

Impressions from my holidays
Photo: Margret Steixner

Welcome back from the summer break. Which travel destination did you choose? The local mountains and lakes or did the sea call to you, as it did to me? Wherever the destination was, it was certainly formative for your entire holiday planning. The same goes for learning goals.


#dimi_05: Training design

Why planning and quality go hand in hand

Photo: CC Unsplash

„Planning is half the battle“ is a saying that also applies to the matter of training design. In order to be able to successfully design learning processes, I make numerous preliminary considerations that help me as a trainer to obtain clarity in advance about the content, the methods, but also the group and the necessary spatial conditions.


Methoden Toolbox für Soziale Inklusion

outdoor education centre Nouriso-ja

Unser REFAK Absolvent Michael Scheuchenegger ist auch in der internationalen Jugendbildung tätig.
Dabei entstand im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Projekts “outdoor activities for inclusion” gemeinsam mit Teilnehmer*innen aus neun europäischen Ländern, ein praktisches Handbuch mit erlebnispädagogischen Methoden aus ganz Europa.


#dimi_04: Trade union learning

What education can do for empowerment

After #dimi_03 dealt with the topic of learning in general, #dimi_04 is dedicated to the question of what we understand by learning in trade union education work and how we as trainers can specifically promote and support it.

You will learn more about the competences that should be developed in trade union learning settings and how these requirements affect the didactic principles. At the end, there are also some ideas for methods and explanations on how the application of these methods can make even more sense.
