Lineups with avatars
Constellations are an extremely popular method that many trainers like to use often – so often that they even made it into our series „Annoying Methods“.
In Corona times, however, constellations cannot be done anyway – unless perhaps the whole group goes outside and everyone takes their baby elephants with them. So what to do?
Paint me an avatar
In a first step, the participants are asked to line up in pairs opposite each other – with the necessary distance, of course. They can spread out around the room and also use break areas etc. – so the baby elephants can join in.
Then they are asked to draw each other – without looking at the paper! Participant A looks participant B right in the eye and paints away happily. In the meantime, participant B can talk about himself – this way, the two of them get to know each other right away. We have already described this exercise in an earlier post!
And now: Lineups with avatars
The exercise itself is great and loosens up – but the participants can then write their names on the resulting portraits and you already have avatars with which you can „simulate“ lineups quite well.
In our picture example, the participants were grouped in pairs – and because we are using this in a longer-lasting course, we also laminated the artwork! This way they are durable and disinfectable.
But you could just as easily position the avatars around opinions, line them up along an axis etc. – in fact, anything you can do in the usual lineups!
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