Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein

#visdo: Design banners and posters yourself

Messages that make it big

Sometimes a flipchart is not enough. Who would have thought that this sentence would one day come from me and I would actually mean it … but it’s true. Sometimes you want to carry a message into the world beyond the seminar room in the truest sense of the word. And the flipchart is not perfectly suited for this. But there are alternatives. 

How these can look like, what you should take into account when designing, which material you can use and how you can achieve a good result without a printshop, we want to take a look at in this #visdo. For this I will go into content, form and material: 


#mm: Antiracism: Reflect on your own position 

When dealing with racism, it is worth looking outside the box of discrimination and disadvantage, by looking at your own position and privilege.  


#mm: Anti-Racism: Understanding Disadvantage

The Chocolate Game

** Goal: detect competitive behaviour; differences between equal rights and equal opportunities, develop strategies to achieve own and collective goals  ** Duration: 45 minutes  ** Required material: paper for cards for fields, a big room, dice, chocolate 
**Detailed instructions can be found here


#mm: Food for Thought on the Theme of Gender

Partly provocative anecdotes, statements and theses should stimulate thinking and discussion. In contrast to “Impulses for getting started”, in this exercise, the themes are more complex and leave the development and range of the discussion relatively open. This requires more background knowledge and a greater willingness to get involved with the topic, both for course instructors and participants. 



The REFAK (ReferentInnen Akademie) is the Train the Trainers program in Austrian Trade Union Education. It is a cooperation project between the Chamber of Labour (AK) and the Association of Austrian Trade Union Education (VÖGB). It is managed by a cooperative pedagogical management team of AK Vienna and VÖGB. REFAK is aimed at all people who are or will be active in trade union adult education as trainers, speakers or lecturers. The selection of the participants is carried out in close cooperation with the responsible trade union secretaries.


#mm: Biography work – 5 Exercises on Gender

Biography work: deep analysis,
own experience, socialisation,
questioning stereotypes

Biography work is ideal for an in-depth analysis of the theme of gender. Make sure that the participants engage with the topic from their own experience.  

The following five exercises should support participants when dealing with their own biography and help them to critically reflect on gender roles, socialisation and language.  


Auch Radiohören ist Bildung

22. Radiopreise der Erwachsenenbildung überreicht

Foto: Michaela Obermair

Aus 142 eingereichten Radiosendungen haben Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Konferenz der Erwachsenenbildung Österreichs (KEBÖ) 18 Beiträge für die Preisvergabe nominiert. Für den VÖGB war Pia Lichtblau in der Jury vertreten.

Ausgezeichnet werden jedes Jahr Beiträge in den Kategorien Kultur, Information, Bildung/Wissenschaft, Interaktive und experimentelle Produktionen sowie Sendereihen.


#mm: „Annoying Methods“ – The chair circle

The chair circle is actually quite practical because it facilitates direct communication between all those involved in a seminar – everyone can look directly at everyone at any time. Nevertheless, it has become one of the things that increasingly annoy seminar participants. 
