Archiv der Kategorie: english

#grumo_05: Storming to good performance

Different group phases

A group forms

In today’s post we discuss the topic of group phases and look at how they can be identified in practice.

Fortunately, our case group has recently dealt with the topic. So we again take the opportunity to look over the shoulders of our protagonists – Maria, Yasemine, Rudi, Beate and Paul – and hear what they have to say about the topic. This time it was not so easy, as our case group did not meet in the back room of the pub of their choice, but – bingo – online…


#grumo_04: What does leading a group mean?

My role as trainer

In this part we think about our role as trainers. Beate has been asked to lead a seminar for managers who work a lot with project groups. She uses our case group to test the structure of her seminar. In doing so, she deals with questions like „What is too much control? Where is the border to complete laissez-faire and how much should trainers get involved at all?“
Welcome to grumo_#4!


#grumo_03: Agreements for good cooperation

Let’s make a deal…

Rudi is pissed off when he sends a message to his colleagues to skip the next meeting. He had worked with a new group for the first time the day before and didn’t feel like being with people at all. Yasmine calls him and asks if she can do something to improve his mood. Rudi briefly outlines the situation he has experienced and is a bit at a loss as to how he should prepare for the next appointment with the group. „But Rudi, then our meeting is just the thing for you!“


#thedi: „Building“ a countervailing power – Part 1

Gegenmacht bilden
CC: Philip Taucher

The balance of power in the interest of politics has changed. Dialogue between the social partners and influence on state legislation have dropped dramatically in importance. Trade union countervailing power must now be organised differently, and trade union education work also demands this! 


#grumo_02: Getting-to-know-each-other and How-are-you rounds

What does such a long-term group actually need?

The fact that a group of people come together, get to know each other, define themselves as a „group“ and also „function“ together in the long term seems to be a completely everyday process. It happens by itself – doesn’t it? What a group needs to become and stay a group is what #grumo_02 is all about!


#grumo_01: Working with groups

The new #GroupMonday series on the REFAK blog is on!

What do I get out of knowing how to work with groups?

In the #grumo, Gerda Kolb and Irene Zavarsky deal with groups and everything that entails: expectations, getting to know each other, conflicts, disturbances, dynamics, good beginnings and fast finales. The aim is not to articulate absolute truths, but to point out possibilities for (re)acting in the respective situations and therefore to expand the readers‘ repertoire of actions and to promote productive exchange. Comments on your own experiences and strategies are very welcome and encouraged!


#visdo: Design banners and posters yourself

Messages that make it big

Sometimes a flipchart is not enough. Who would have thought that this sentence would one day come from me and I would actually mean it … but it’s true. Sometimes you want to carry a message into the world beyond the seminar room in the truest sense of the word. And the flipchart is not perfectly suited for this. But there are alternatives. 

How these can look like, what you should take into account when designing, which material you can use and how you can achieve a good result without a printshop, we want to take a look at in this #visdo. For this I will go into content, form and material: 


#mm: Antiracism: Reflect on your own position 

When dealing with racism, it is worth looking outside the box of discrimination and disadvantage, by looking at your own position and privilege.  


#mm: Anti-Racism: Understanding Disadvantage

The Chocolate Game

** Goal: detect competitive behaviour; differences between equal rights and equal opportunities, develop strategies to achieve own and collective goals  ** Duration: 45 minutes  ** Required material: paper for cards for fields, a big room, dice, chocolate 
**Detailed instructions can be found here


#mm: Food for Thought on the Theme of Gender

Partly provocative anecdotes, statements and theses should stimulate thinking and discussion. In contrast to “Impulses for getting started”, in this exercise, the themes are more complex and leave the development and range of the discussion relatively open. This requires more background knowledge and a greater willingness to get involved with the topic, both for course instructors and participants. 
