Archiv der Kategorie: english

New articles in English translation!

In an attempt to make the ressources of the REFAK blog accessible for an even bigger international audience, our English speaking expert Astrid Donaubauer translates blog posts which have been published in German before on the REFAK blog. As we are in constant exchange with international partners in trade union education, translating our educational ressources is a prerequisite for a fruitful exchange of ideas, experiences and practices. We continiously publish REFAK blog posts in English translation in the English section of our blog. Have a look and share REFAK blog ressources with your international partners! All articles are licenced as creative commons.

HERE you find all English language blog articles.

Five misconceptions about feedback …

… in seminar and training settings

Misconception 1: Feedback is always a gift!

I have been exposed to and observed too many bad feedbacks. Those that are devastating and only remind of defeats like an F in Latin in school or feedback that only praises in a general way: „Your performance convinced me.“ That’s not a gift and doesn’t help anyone. The right approach to giving feedback is: How can I phrase my feedback in a way that my counterpart can take it as a helpful gift?


#visdo: Flipchart templates for feedback

Collecting feedback with visual aids

Feedback is part of almost every seminar and workshop. Either to round off a topic, to give feedback on (group) presentations or to let the participants have their say again at the end of the event and ask them how they liked it and what they will take with them into practice. Since feedback is so often used as a method, it makes sense to consider templates that you can use for it.


#dimi_21: Sharing is caring

Develop, share and use high-quality learning materials

Knowledge transfer benefits from the targeted preparation of learning content. But how do I, as a trainer, develop good learning materials that support and advance the achievement of learning goals? Which resources am I allowed to use and how can I modify and adapt them to my target group without violating copyrights?

This blog post describes what you as a trainer should consider when developing high-quality learning materials. Sounds interesting? Then click on Read more!


#dimi_20: Team teaching

Training in a double pack

Booking two trainers for a seminar is a quality standard in many trade union educational institutions. Trainers themselves have different experiences and preferences. Not everyone sees team teaching, as training in pairs is often called, as the best option. As in any team, good cooperation is not something that happens automatically, but requires extra effort. 

Would you like to learn why team teaching can not only be more fun, but also increase the quality of learning processes and contribute to your development as a trainer? Then you may find reading on worthwhile.


The pre-feedback talk

A tool for helpful feedback

Often, feedback givers and feedback takers in seminars and training sessions know little about each other. We don’t know what is helpful and what we should pay particular attention to. So why not ask the trainer and pre-structure observations and feedback in a short conversation beforehand?

Let’s take the training of negotiation strategies, presentation skills or moderation techniques as examples. Before the training begins, the trainer starts a short conversation, as informally as possible, for subsequent feedback. This is not very easy because the participants‘ minds are already on the performance.


#dimi_19: I learn therefore I am

Suggestions for organising one’s own learning

„He who knows nothing must believe everything,“ Maria Ebner-Eschenbach aptly put it. Knowledge is an important resource for self-empowerment. It is the basis for being effective in our professional (and trade union) contexts. How can we encourage learners to become active lifelong learners and take „ownership“ of their knowledge? Curious?


#visdo: Visualise like Mac Gyver

What to do when the seminar room is empty?

Let’s say your seminar is today. You arrive early to prepare everything. You enter the room. Emptiness. Where you would have expected a projector, a flipchart or whiteboard, or at least pens, you find nothing. And there is no one far and wide who can provide what is missing. The participants are on their way, it will soon start. What to do? Panic? Not us.

Because today I’m giving you a little toolbox that will enable you to use images in your seminar without any outside aids or materials. You can do that? Oh yes.
