Getting to know each other-bingo can be used especially in larger groups, it brings the participants into conversation with each other, during the “analysis” trainers can make similarities and differences within the group visible.
** Participants get to know each other ** The diversity of the group can be made visible ** Similarities in the group can be made visible
Material: Bingo cards

- A square that is divided into 5×5 squares like a chessboard (note: 4×4 squares for small groups)
- Use the remaining margin for the headline, the rules of the game and the individual design
- A trait is written in each of the 25 squares, for a total of 25 traits
- Heading: Find a person who…
- Rules of the game:
- Find one person for each trait.
- Add the name of the trait.
- Each person is only allowed to stand at one trait!
- Five fields in a row -> BINGO!!!
Here you find Bingo cards as a template to download and print:
Template docs for editing
Template as PDF for immediate printing and getting started!
Each participant receives a bingo card and a pen. All participants move freely in the room and ask other participants if one of the traits applies to them. Once you have found a person who has one of the attributes, enter their name in the appropriate field and move on to another person. Important: Each person may only be entered for one trait! As soon as a participant has filled in five fields horizontally, vertically or diagonally, they shout „Bingo!!!“ and the game is over…
Conclusion: The winner will be asked to read out the persons and the respective traits. Finally, the trainers can make constellations based on selected traits.
Duration: 5-15 minutes, depending on the final constellations, possibly a little longer

Variation: The participants can note down additional information besides the name. For example, in which union is the person organized, which instrument do they play…
Possible Traits
- …is organized in the same / another union as you
- …has been active in the works council for a longer / shorter time than you
- …comes from the same state/district as you
- …participated in a demonstration in the last six months
- …has the same hobby as you
- …has already attended a union seminar abroad
- …has run a marathon before
- …older / younger / same age as you
- …reads a daily newspaper
- …is active in a works council with several lists / only one list
- …is the chairperson of the works council
- …is the deputy chairperson of the works council
- …is active in a works council that consists of more women than men
- …attends a seminar of VÖGB/AK for the first time
- …has a pet
- …is a full-time works council member
- …is employed full-time / part-time
- …came to the seminar by bicycle / train / public transport
- …plays a musical instrument
- …is a representative of disabled persons
- …has won the lottery
- …is a first responder at work
- …here is where your ideas go!!!
Author: Pia Lichtblau
Translation: Astrid Donaubauer
Read the original article in German.

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