Archiv der Kategorie: Gender-English

#mm: Perceiving gender stereotypes – 4 exercises

The following exercises mainly address the observation and comparison of behaviours attributed to male and female. The focus of the observations should not be so much on one’s own behaviour, but rather on the collective and social aspects of gender. At the same time, however, it should be kept in mind that collective attributions can also quickly affect or hurt our individual self-image. Careful handling is particularly important here: gender stereotypes should be addressed but at the same time they should not be reinforced or codified.


#mm: Antiracism: Reflect on your own position 

When dealing with racism, it is worth looking outside the box of discrimination and disadvantage, by looking at your own position and privilege.  


#mm: Food for Thought on the Theme of Gender

Partly provocative anecdotes, statements and theses should stimulate thinking and discussion. In contrast to “Impulses for getting started”, in this exercise, the themes are more complex and leave the development and range of the discussion relatively open. This requires more background knowledge and a greater willingness to get involved with the topic, both for course instructors and participants. 


#mm: Biography work – 5 Exercises on Gender

Biography work: deep analysis,
own experience, socialisation,
questioning stereotypes

Biography work is ideal for an in-depth analysis of the theme of gender. Make sure that the participants engage with the topic from their own experience.  

The following five exercises should support participants when dealing with their own biography and help them to critically reflect on gender roles, socialisation and language.  


#mm: Like in Real Life

Raising Awareness of everyday Discrimination


Goal ** Increase the visibility of everyday discrimination ** Experience these situations for another person’s perspective                       ** Encourage sensitisation and self reflection  
